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[EN] The protagonist has been sleepless for several hours already and there's a snowstorm raging outside in the dead of night. Out of sleepless exhaustion, perception start to change. The wind, shadows and freezing cold create a nightmarish atmosphere that plays tricks wth the mind, time seems different and the walls are closing in on you. Here's the slow downfall from insomnia to madness...


[FR] Même personne qui n’arrive pas à trouver le sommeil depuis plusieurs heures déjà, et une tempête fait rage au-dehors au plus noir de la nuit. A force de fatigue, toutes les perceptions se mettent à changer. Le vent, les ombres et le froid font naître une atmosphère cauchemardesque qui s’insinue dans l’esprit, le temps ne semble plus suivre son cours normal, les murs de la chambre se referment : on glisse lentement de l’insomnie vers la folie.



Down in the dead of night

Blind, tearing time apart

Psychedelic insight

Wild in the dead of Night


Against the window, there’s a dead black heart pounding

The sky has burst open, I can hear something’s trying to get in.


            Let me in

            I’ll have my ride

            No door can keep me out

Paralysed by the sound of madness                             


Lost in a feverish maze

Running away from the chase

Consumed by a burning gaze

Smothered in this embrace.


Back at last, the storm abates

And safe inside, I look for a familiar smile in the mirror

But this has to be a lie, this face is not mine!


Broken visions of a multitude of fragments                       Broken !

Tangles that I weave to ensnare all of your thoughts         Tangles !

Freezing fingers stealing your breath                                  Freezing !

Falling faster, lost inside this maze                                     Falling...


Down in the dead of night

Blind, tearing time apart

Psychedelic insight

Wild in the dead of Night


The clock has gone astray, hours are all out of order

Time and space melt away, the white hell has silently crept in and taken over.


Let me in

            I’ll have my ride

            No door can keep me out

Paralysed by the sound of madness

Dead of Night

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